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13小组讨论后的结语 微生物组的化学:研讨会系列论文集 国家科学院

Moral Intelligence, p. 1 Considering Moral Intelligence as Part of a Holistic Education . Rodney H Clarken . Northern Michigan University . School of Education . Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, April 30-May 4, 2010 . Abstract: Morality and moral intelligence are important in our society and schools. Moral intelligence is Moral values that are positive are important because those moral values allow an individual to have an overall feeling of peace and joy. These values may and do give meaning and purpose to an individual’s life. An individual who can direct his or her behavior towards beneficial and fulfilling activities is imperative. When an individual lives according to moral values based on honesty Moral Disengagement ALBERT BANDURA The moral standards people adopt serve as guides for conduct and deterrents for detri-mental activities. They do things that bring them satisfaction and a sense of self - worth, and refrain from violating their moral stand-ards because such conduct begets self - condemnation. Self - sanctions keep conduct in line with internal standards. However, moral Moral judgment sets the occasion for self-reactive influence. People get themselves to behave in accordance with their moral standards through anticipatory positive and negative self-reac-tions for different courses of action. Development of self-regulatory functions does not create an invariant control system within a person, as implied by theories of internalization that incorporate entities Constructing addiction as a moral failing Abstract The medicinal value of opium as an analgesic has been known to humankind for centuries. In England during the nineteenth century it was regarded, especially among the labouring classes, as a popular panacea for a variety of ailments. However by the end of the century addiction emerged as an issue of public concem - due largely to the 'moral moral polarization and the concurrent “creep” of harm and morality (Haslam, 2016; Schein & Gray, 2016; in press). Causal links between harm and immorality provide the most basic prediction of dyadic morality: that the immorality of an act is fundamentally predicted by the amount of harm it involves (or implies). Immorality clearly exists on a continuum—from over-spending, to speeding, to Eliciting Moral Preferences Roland BØnabou1, Armin Falk2, Jean Tirole3 This version: August 12, 20184 1Princeton University, NBER, CEPR, CIFAR, briq, IZA, BREAD, and THRED. 2Institute of Behavior and Inequality (briq) and Department of Economics, University of Bonn. 3Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) and Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST), Uni-

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Moral Decision Making Frameworks for Artificial Intelligence Vincent Conitzer, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Jana Schaich Borg, Yuan Deng, Max Kramer Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, USA fvincent.conitzer,walter.sinnott-armstrong, jana.schaich.borg,yuan.deng,max.kramerg@duke.edu Abstract The generality of decision and game theory has enabled domain-independent progress in AI research. … Determination of Moral Character, no aggravating factors • Nonviolent, more than five years ago, no subsequent convictions, no aggravating factors. Additional Inquiry May Be Needed • Not expunged pursuant to a statute listed in the Convictions section of the Application for Determination of Moral Character • Violent. Informal Conference May Be Needed • Contingent on the outcome of Recently moral thinking and moral action were explored using a Deweyan framework, and it was concluded that moral thinking or reasoning exists as social capital, and it is not a guide to moral action (Kang & Glassman, 2010). The key philosophical question for the study and promotion of moral education relies on the epistemic Universal moral grammar: theory, evidence and the future John Mikhail Georgetown University Law Center, 600 New Jersey Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20001, USA Scientists from various disciplines have begun to focus attention on the psychology and biology of human mor-ality. One research program that has recently gained attention is universal moral grammar (UMG). UMG seeks to describe the nature

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